
Sign In and Pick up

All children will use a drive through system when dropping off and picking up. Parents/guardians will enter the designated drop-off location, take their children out of their vehicles, and wait for a teacher to greet them at their vehicles. The teacher will walk the students into their classrooms where they will be signed in. At time of sign out, the same process will take place.

Persons other than parents or legal guardians picking up or dropping off a child are required to be on file at the Little School House as authorized by the parents. Children will not be released to persons who are not on their authorization sheet. Driver's licenses will be used for verification.


Each child needs to bring a backpack to school each day. This backpack needs to be large enough to send home art projects, notes to family and a change of clothing. Toys from home are not allowed at school, and The Little School House will not be responsible for lost or broken items.

Personal Belongings

Please do not send toys, candy, gum, money or play guns to the center with your child. The center is not responsible for personal belongings that are lost or damaged.

Policy Change

We reserve the right to change policies and tuition at any time. One month's notice will be given in writing, if any changes are necessary.


We provide a healthy snack for all classes. A drink of either milk, juice or water will be provided with snack. A monthly snack calendar will be posted on our parent information board, and is available upon request.

Parent/Teacher Discussions

Our doors are always open for parents to visit. Parent-teacher discussions, however, need to be scheduled before or after hours so that the teachers are not distracted from their responsibilities to the children.

We will be scheduling at least 2 parent-teacher conferences for your pre-kindergarten child and one for your pre-school child. These meeting are mandatory, and notice will be given prior to the meetings. These conferences will be October/ November and April/May.


NO CORPORAL PUNISHMENT OR VIOLATION OF PERSONAL RIGHTS is tolerated in our facility. If the behavior of a child needs to be redirected or corrected, he/she will be addressed by a teacher quietly and privately. If he/she continues to have difficulty, he/she will be removed from the group or away from the play activity for a short "time out." Our teaching staff feels that positive reinforcement in the most rewarding approach in a preschool setting.


There is no pick-up or drop-off transportation to and from school. The Little School House will be unable to provide transportation to field trips at any time.


Please notify us in writing of any allergies or special dietary needs your child may have.

Medical or Dental Emergency

If the child has an accident that the staff feels in not remedied by a band-aid and a hug, the staff member will contact a parent/guardian, or emergency contact, as requested on the admission form. The parent/guardian or emergency contact will then direct the staff member as to what action should be taken. If the emergency is considered life threatening, emergency personnel will be contacted first, followed by parent/guardian or emergency contact.
801 East Avenue | Lincoln, CA 95648 | littleschoolhouse1942@gmail.com